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Welcome to Lost & Found: The Circle of Life

Lost and Found: The Circle of Life allows for creative, experimental play with a focus on found objects at home. Find discarded materials that are looking to be loved and treasured once again.  

 Take time to walk in nature, rummage through cupboards or recognize the exciting future of an empty cereal box!  However long you choose to commit to this program, we hope that you take away the joy in an object’s potential with curiosity and wonder. 

Each month will consist of a new theme, a new directed project, an optional project idea sent after each zoom and time to verbally share (if you would like) about the items and materials you have found relating to the monthly theme.

Message from our artist in residence

Marina Morrison

Today marks three weeks since I’ve moved back to Vancouver for school and unsurprisingly, I already have a new stash of washed empty milk cartons, metal cans, plastic fruit containers  along with a few older found art materials I’ve collected over the years. Who knows what they might become! Sometimes a project happens, other times my found items collect dust for a bit, but the thrill of a cardboard box or an empty shampoo bottle is a feeling I hope stays with me for always.  I would love to know about your story, your ideas, thoughts and interests. Maybe you are an experienced reuser/upcycler, or have never thought to turn old books into floating shelves. Whatever your experience, you are welcome here. I hope that you will be able to join our Zoom creation sessions every second thursday of the month from 3:00-4:30pm

October Theme: 

Textures: Smooth to Rough

Questions to think about when looking:

What memories can you attach from the materials you have found?

How will you look at the place you found your materials differently after this month?

Will you feel more connected? What do you hope to find? 

To do before our first meeting

directed October project: 

Travelling Art Kit

  • Find a vessel of your choice as your art kit, big, medium, small whatever you’d like. For example:

  • A backpack, a cardboard box or something with a handle if you might be travelling far with it, or a tote bag. This is an example of a reuse project. 

  • Here is an example of the travelling art kit I have: A used computer box. I started covering it with magazines I love and it has lots of space inside to make glue fabric pockets for artworks and tools for my art classes.

  •  Decorate the vessel with Materials of different textures! From smooth to rough, think about and search for textured material that reminds you of loved things around you. For example, it could be the texture of your favorite chair, your go-to fall sweater, a leaf you found nearby, a concrete bench you sit on to look at nature, a bumpy rock that you keep in your pocket, the softness of a hug from a loved one, smooth magazine pages… you decide!

  • Any tools to glue, paint, to stick on your materials to personalize your vessel

To do for our free play exploration: 

Find items in your house, in your  neighbourhood that reflect different textures you find interesting.  Use these items for a project on your own time or just think about what they mean to you, what stories they may hold and how they make you feel. Do they have a special connection to a place you love? Bring your thoughts and ideas to zoom!

If you would like, please enjoy these short videos to watch about upcycling:

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